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Meet The Member - Chantelle of Sets and Reps



sets and reps

We had the pleasure of interviewing our member Chantelle of Sets and Reps to find out more about her life as a personal trainer, and how she can help you.


Hi chantelle. we love what you do and are very happy to have you as a member of We Are St. Albans. We’d love to know a bit about yourself and life before ‘Sets and Reps.’

Hi guys, before I became a personal trainer I worked in various roles always looking for the next best thing. My last role was as a PA for the MD and Creative Director of Habitat which I loved and was there for 6 years. I always wanted to work in sport and fitness but somehow lost my way and wanted to get back there. When I became pregnant, I knew I didn’t want to go back to working in an office and wanted something more flexible around the kids, so I saw that as an opportunity to change careers and completed a personal training course. After I had Orlena started working as a PT and my business has evolved and developed from there. I decided I wanted to train women and specialise in postnatal exercise knowing how much that has benefited me after having children.

What is your favourite thing about your job?

My favourite thing is helping women understand how strong they are physically and mentally, seeing them achieving their goals and grow in confidence. 

Is there a reason you choose to specialise in coaching women only? 

I feel like I've always preferred working with women as I don't do well taking instruction from men! and I guess I felt there's probably a lot of women who are the same. Plus, women deserve specialists and for people to understand their physiology and to tap into their needs. I feel like I can speak from experience and understanding and immediately relate to the women I work with. 

I'm also a big advocate for equality and there is a lot of work to be done in terms of levelling the playing field for women in sports and the fitness industry and if I can help women become stronger, feel good, become more confident and overcome barriers then I’m helping chip away at that. 

If someone wants to start their journey to a healthier, fitter them, what advice would you give?

Prioritise yourself. I speak to so many women who want to start getting stronger, healthier but really struggle to find the time because there is always so much going on in everyone’s lives but it’s not going to happen unless YOU make time for YOU. 

Start small. Try putting in one session of something a week, it could be anything, a walk, a class, a workout video, it doesn’t have to be long, 30mins is great and feels achievable. Once this feels like a habit either increase the intensity of that session or add something else in the week. Aim to build up to 150mins of activity a week. Remember this can include walking to work/school, cleaning the house, anything that brings the heart rate up. 

Could you tell us about the benefits of strength training?

Yes! Strength training has so many benefits especially for women as our hormones change with age and through pregnancy and postnatally. Strength training increases and maintains strength, muscle mass and bone density (which decreases naturally with age). It improves confidence, self-efficacy, resilience and is so empowering! Staying strong also enables us to continue doing all the physical activities we do looking after our children and avoid injuries.

You have a postnatal class. How can this class benefit women who have had a baby?

This class hugely benefits mums as not only do we work on exercises that will rehab areas that need more attention postpartum, but we also build all over strength, functional fitness, we raise the heart rate to get a good boost of endorphins to feel good and babies and children can come too to overcome a barrier to exercise. We also always have tea and a healthy treat afterwards where the mums can stay and chat. I also do a women’s circuit training class which is not specifically a postnatal class but pre and postnatal women are welcome. Lots of my mums who did my postnatal class while the babies were small graduate to this class. 

What can your classes offer that a regular gym class cannot?

My classes are for women, and I specialise in training women so I can ensure the class and the exercises are right for you at whatever stage you are at. We’re also the only people at the location so you can feel comfortable in the setting with no onlookers. My class members are all regulars so you can get to know the group and it’s always me taking the class, so you know who to expect.  

I like to think they are a lot more personal; I’ll ask for some info from you before the class to ensure I can support you fully. I will coach you through the class, different exercises and adapt where necessary so you’ll receive 1:1 coaching. I’m always available to ask questions and can provide additional services to help you achieve your goals. 

When you are not busy at work, what do you like doing and do you have any favourite local hotspots?

I’m always busy! If not working then looking after my girls. If I’m with the girls we like going into St. Albans and running around the Vintry Gardens then grab something to eat at George Street Canteen. We love the little garden at the bottom in the spring/summer. On the rare occasion I go out with my husband or friends, we like beer and food at The Boot, Dylan’s or Crafty (Craft n Clever). Thanks for bringing to my attention that I need to get out more!  

What’s next for ‘Sets and Reps?

Ooooh well, I have lots of events coming up. One with The Mum Club another with Verdi’s Italian Restaurant both of which are on my website. I’m also planning a lifting workshop with a local women's health osteopath - empowering women to understand their bodies and lift weights. And an online goal setting and planning workshop to help women make time to achieve their health and fitness goals. Follow me on social or join my mailing list to keep updated. 

I am also working towards areas where I can support women and girls in sport and fitness. I’d love to work with schools encouraging young girls to stay in sport and overcome barriers that can discourage them. So, watch this space!  

for further information please visit sets and reps directory listing here.